Wednesday, November 2, 2011

hydroelectric power

    I recently read a long article on new forms of  technology for generating electricity--without a mention of hydroelectric power.  If  I were sponsoring scientists, this is what I'd want them to be working on. Hydroelectric power means harnessing the power of running or moving water. It is why we built the great dams at public expense--the water flowing over them could be used to generate electricity, with minimal expense and minimal pollution. Current technology only uses swiftly running water--but perhaps with research, technologists could learn how to harness slow-moving water to generate electricity--like the rivers so many cities are built on. Someday technologists may learn to generate power from the waves of the ocean, or ocean currents. Anything that moves naturally , like the wind and moving water, could be used to generate power--the same way it was used in windmills and water-powered mills. It could be powering an electric generator instead of a moving millstone.

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