Wednesday, May 9, 2012

lots of Kennedys

    One form of ignorance believes in things that don't exist, like magic and clairvoyance. Another form of ignorance claims that things that really happened are fictional. The Kennedys are one example of this. People see the assassination of Robert Kennedy in an old movie, and assume that it is an error or a fictionalization of the assassination of John Kennedy. Wrong--both assassinations really happened. John Kennedy was shot while he was president, in 1963. Robert Kennedy, his brother, was killed while running for president in 1968. Another Kennedy brother,  Ted ( Edward ) had a car accident in which a young woman was killed. Ted Kennedy survived the accident and served in the U.S. Senate for many years. The Kennedys were a large family, and many of them were involved in politics. One of the reasons movies show "clips" of famous events is to tell the audience the year.  If you're not sure whether an event portrayed in a movie is real or fictional, try searching it on the internet.

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