Friday, July 27, 2012


     Does a large group of people, such as might congregate on the internet, have the capacity for omniscience?  No. The large group of people that claims to have the potential for omniscience--that is, to know everything--sounds like a fairly ignorant group of people. Anyone who imagines that a person, or a group of people, no matter how large, can know or apprehend "everything" is thinking of a very small everything. A very small "everything", even if it only includes what is reducible to "facts", without explanation or understanding. An "everything" limited to what humans know, not what we still wonder about.
      The grasp of reality of those who believe they can know "everything" is limited by their own ignorance. Everything is a lot larger than it looks--they must have looked at the tip of the iceberg, like the famous captain of the Titanic.

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